microsoft edge

  • How To Reset Your Web Browser And Start Again From Scratch

    How To Reset Your Web Browser And Start Again From Scratch

    Resetting something—your router, your phone, your bad morning habits—is often an effective and relatively painless way of fixing a problem. The same trick works on web browsers, too. The apps we spend most of our computing time in tend to accumulate all kinds of cruft over time, and clearing that away can solve all manner…

  • The Last Vestige Of Internet Explorer Dies Today

    The Last Vestige Of Internet Explorer Dies Today

    Microsoft has been teasing big changes to Microsoft Edge for nearly a year. Two years ago, the company announced that Edge would move to rely on the same Chromium code base as Google’s Chrome. Then came alphas, and betas, and even a build for macOS that I quite liked. The new version of Edge, which…