
  • Are Insects The Future Of Food?

    Are Insects The Future Of Food?

    Emily Anthes braves locusts, beetles, mealworms and more as she asks whether eating insects is the answer to feeding ever more humans and livestock. At first, my meal seems familiar, like countless other dishes I’ve eaten at Asian restaurants. A swirl of noodles slicked with oil and studded with shredded chicken, the aroma of ginger…

  • The Simple Reason We Like Buying Food In Clear Packaging

    The Simple Reason We Like Buying Food In Clear Packaging

    Back in the olden days, most food packaging was thick and opaque — all the better to keep out elements like light and moisture, which could potentially spoil our Funyuns. Now we’re gravitating towards packaging that lets us actually see the food we’re buying. And it makes sense why this trend is gaining momentum now.

  • What 2000 Calories Look Like

    What 2000 Calories Look Like

    If you struggle to visualise what hundreds or thousands of calories looks like in the cold, hard light of day, then that firstly explains why your pants no longer fit. It also means you’ve missed one of the many explainers that have drifted across the internet in the past. So here’s another!