
  • Everything That Is Hilariously Wrong With YouTube In One Video

    Everything That Is Hilariously Wrong With YouTube In One Video

    Even though YouTube is the greatest tool ever created to waste time, it’s also the biggest open house for gigabytes of completely useless moving crap. And even though YouTube can make any video viral, it’s also responsible for the onslaught of YouTube celebrities. YouTube giveth and taketh away.

  • Xbox One Is Basically Going To Be HAL 9000

    Xbox One Is Basically Going To Be HAL 9000

    Freaked out about the “always on” Xbox One creeping on your life? You probably shouldn’t be. But if you’re one of those people who’s afraid of connecting your Xbox to the Internet, love playing old and used games and hate having a Kinect, this is your hilarious fear of Xbox One: it’s HAL 9000.