physical sciences

  • Astrophysicists Found 1,000 Magnetic Milky Way ‘Strands’

    Astrophysicists Found 1,000 Magnetic Milky Way ‘Strands’

    A new mosaic image taken by the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa has revealed nearly 1,000 multi-light-year-long electron strands at the centre of the Milky Way. The strands are huge streaks of cosmic ray particles; though they were discovered nearly 40 years ago, researchers never knew there were so many.

  • 9 Things That Were Historically Hot in 2021

    9 Things That Were Historically Hot in 2021

    Though we’re nearly two weeks into 2022, data continues to pour in reminding us just what was hot in 2021. The latest reminder: extreme ocean heat, which set a dubious record. But oceans were far from things trending hot in 2021, though. Before we shut the door completely on last year, we wanted to share…