playstation 4

  • Behind The Scenes At The Studio Making Horizon: Zero Dawn

    Video: Guerilla Games, the studio responsible for making Horizon: Zero Dawn — a Playstation exclusive that looks like it’ll make amazing use of the PS4 Pro’s beautiful HDR — hasn’t made an open-world game before. In the past, it made the Killzone series of tight corridor shooters, but FPS is a very different beast to…

  • Razer Made A PS4 Controller That Looks Like An Xbox One Controller

    Razer has built a “tournament-grade’ controller for the PlayStation 4 — with supposedly better ergonomics than your common or garden DualShock, as well as a bunch of customisable settings and esports-friendly extras. And, y’know, it looks suspiciously like someone chucked an Xbox One controller and a PS4 controller into Photoshop and mucked around with the…

  • Sony PlayStation 4 Pro: The Gizmodo Review

    Sony PlayStation 4 Pro: The Gizmodo Review

    There’s a moment playing Infamous First Light, as the heroine made of light climbs up a wall in pitch black darkness, that I fully appreciate the hype around the PS4 Pro. The woman is a multicolored bundle of light particles and thanks to HDR, I can make out each particle and note the way they…

  • The PS4 Slim And PS4 Pro Are Here

    The PS4 Slim And PS4 Pro Are Here

    After months of speculation, rumours, and some excellent reporting, Sony’s latest Playstations are finally here. Sony announced the new consoles at a press event in the Playstation Theatre in New York City today. Hosting a major tech event the same day as Apple day seems like a risky move, but Sony’s event was packed with…