Is This An STB With DAB+ Built In, Or A DAB+ Radio With Added STB?

Either way, you’ll struggle in store trying to pronounce the DFTA52DAB’s title.

Bush’s latest set top box has an interesting point of differentiation in a market where it’s rapidly become the norm just to race as quickly as possible to the lowest possible price point. It’s a set top box with an inbuilt DAB+. Or is that a DAB+ that just happens to have set top box functionality?

Based on the look of the unit, it’s more a STB on DAB+ steroids. The impossible to pronounce DFTA52DAB features a single HD tuner, DAB+ HDMI output and no sign of a Freeview sticker anywhere we could discern. Adding DAB+ certainly doesn’t lead to an inexpensive unit, however, as the DFTA52DAB will set you back $249, which is premium priced for something with no inbuilt PVR functions.

[Bush Australia]