You’ll Be Able To Pay For Stuff With Your Phone Later This Year

We’ve been waiting forever and a half for NFC technology to take over our lives and rid ourselves of silly wallets and credit cards. Visa is creating a digital wallet service that’ll make all that real later this year.

Visa’s idea is to let you store your Visa accounts, non-Visa accounts and even online payment services like PayPal into one digital wallet. This way, you can pay for goods online with this do-everything wallet, with one account rather than various cards and different accounts. You can customise which cards you want to use but it’s simplifying how you pay.

And that sounds fine and all but what’s more interesting to us is that the digital wallet is going to use NFC technology to let customers make offline, real life purchases with their phones too. They’ll be using Visa’s payWave app and NFC-capable phones to make it happen. I’m so ready for this. [GigaOM]