Xperia PLAY Not Getting Ice Cream Sandwich

Remember when Sony said that “all” of its 2011 Android phones would get an upgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich? It looks like that was a promise with caveats, as it’s admitted that the Xperia PLAY will be stuck on Gingerbread.

A definite downer if you’re already a PLAY owner; Sony’s official blog notes that

In regards to Xperia PLAY, after extensive in house testing with our developer teams and working with our partners, we have concluded that a consistent and stable experience, particularly with gaming, cannot be guaranteed for this smartphone on Ice Cream Sandwich – therefore, we will not make the Android 4.0 upgrade available for Xperia PLAY.
This decision was also verified when we received similar feedback from the developer community; both experienced developers and advanced users, along with game content providers following our ICS beta ROM for unlocked Xperia PLAY smartphones.

It raises a number of interesting questions regarding any future PLAY hardware; if Sony does release an ICS model with more Playstation compatibility, will that leave the existing Xperia PLAY with its limited Gingerbread-compatible app library only? [Sony Blog via Ausdroid]