Flappy Bird still seems to occupy the minds of most mobile gamers, but for those who want a new dimension on the game, try this Australian-made spin-off.
It’s called Flappy3D, and it’s the Flappy Bird game you know and love/hate built for the Oculus Rift VR headset.
Strap the headset to your face and you get a first-person view of the Flappy Bird world, with the spacebar controlling your flaps through the infamous pipes.
Of course, if you touch one, you’re dead and you need to start all over again.
It harnesses the free-look capabilities of the Oculus Rift, and the immersion element which injects you right into the game.
It comes from the mind of Braycen Jackwitz, aka Lambomang, who frequents our comments section on Kotaku and Gizmodo.
You can go and download the game right here.
Thanks Lambomang for tipping us off!