Look, I’m gonna give it to you straight. I spent a solid 15-20 minutes trying to think of a reason this news belongs on Gizmodo. The only thing I can come up with is that it’s a show that will one day be on the internet and COME ON it’s a Nick Offerman and Amy Poehler craft show just take the news and be happy I’m spreading the word, okay?
You’re welcome.
It’s called The Handmade Project, and is described as a celebration of talent in the crafting and handmaking movement.
“Do you thrive on creating? Armed with a hot glue gun or a hammer, can you make just about anything?”, the website asks. “Whether you are a late-night garage tinkerer, an Etsy-preneur, or everyone’s favorite crafting grandma, we want you to apply!”
The Handmade Project is calling for “household hackers, a DIY decorators, quilters, knitters, furniture makers, scrapbookers, basket weavers, needle pointers, cake decorators, wood workers, metal workers or welders, accessory or jewelry makers, doll makers, textile makers, shibori experts, potters, hand-builders, paper crafters, leather or denim workers, costume makers…” pretty much anyone who makes stuff by hand.
As a cosplaying leather crafter and avid reality TV watcher who is a big fan of Offerman’s passion for woodworking and Poehler’s everything, I’m gonna be pouring every episode of this straight into my eyeballs. Just straight on in.
Oh man, today is the best day.