Facebook Is Trying To Be Tinder Now

Facebook Is Trying To Be Tinder Now

Last year Facebook released a new dating feature, aptly named Facebook Dating.

Although it isn’t available across the globe yet, the social media giant announced a brand new feature that is eerily reminiscent of Tinder. Welcome to Secret Crush.

[referenced url=”https://gizmodo.com.au/2019/04/facebooks-future-as-a-digital-graveyard/” thumb=”https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/t_ku-large/waeqkh9rw2wupkg1xllw.jpg” title=”Facebook’s Future As A Digital Graveyard” excerpt=”It’s not a wild notion for Facebook adoption to dramatically slow down over time. And while a certain board member may be hellbent on cheating death, our own mortality is even more inevitable than Facebook’s decline. Researchers are now looking at the intersection of these two realities, posing the question—will Facebook soon be more graveyard than social network? And what is our responsibility as a society to document this digital afterlife?”]

This new functionality will allow Facebook Dating users to choose up to a whopping nine friends to have secret crushes on. Those crushes will be notified that someone is into them, but it won’t reveal who you are unless they dig them right back. If two people have secret crushes on each other, Facebook will let both parties know.

Boom, match made. Sounds familiar, right?

That being said, unlike Tinder and other similar dating apps, you aren’t required to swipe when it comes to Facebook Dating. Instead, you sign up and answer some questions which can prompt you to chat to other users on your friends list based on their answers and photos.

While this service has the potential to be abused, there is also a nugget of possibility here. Potentially finding romance with someone who may have some mutual connections, or is on your friends list in the case of Secret Crush, isn’t a bad thing at all – especially for people who find it difficult to meet strangers.

It’s also worth noting that while you can indicate that you have crush on someone who isn’t signed up for Facebook Dating, they won’t be notified of the crush. So it’s not like someone can be a pest to friends who aren’t interested in romance or getting their bang on via Facebook.

For any interested Aussies, there’s no word on when this will become available, but you’ll probably have to wait awhile.

At the present time, Facebook Dating is available in Canada, Thailand, Argentina, Mexico and Colombia.

It will also be expanding into Vietnam, the Philippines, Singapore, Brazil, Laos, Malaysia, Surinam, Peru, Guyana, Uruguay, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia and Chile in the near future.

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