Telstra Ventures Gets a Rebrand: 5 Tech Things to Know in Australia Today

Telstra Ventures Gets a Rebrand: 5 Tech Things to Know in Australia Today

Good morning. Let’s get into the tech news.

1. Matt Kean appointed to the Climate Change Authority

After stepping down from NSW Parliament just last week, former State Treasurer Matt Kean has been appointed by the Federal Government to chair the Climate Change Authority.

Per The Guardian, Kean said alongside Federal Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese that “Carbon dioxide doesn’t recognise political parties.”

It was also an opportunity for shots to be taken at the Federal Opposition’s plans for nuclear. “The latest scientific engineering and economic advice that’s looked at these matters that I’m aware of is from the CSIRO and Aemo, and they very clearly say that the cheapest way to transition our electricity system is to move towards renewables backed up by firming, and also storage,” Kean said.

3. Telstra Ventures no more

Telstra Ventures has been renamed Titanium Ventures, with the venture capital arm of the telco now repositioning after 13 years.

Per The Australian, Titanium Ventures is now seeking other partners, with $1.35 billion under management. “We are exploring options to sell our current investments in Telstra Ventures’ funds. We believe that through the relationships we have fostered over the years, we can continue working together and Telstra will be able to access leading edge technologies in the portfolio companies of Titanium Ventures,” Telstra chief financial officer Michael Ackland said on exiting the fund.

2. The Great Barrier Reef needs our help

Despite not being listed in UNESCO’s ‘in danger’ category for world heritage sites, the organisation has called on the Australian government to set more ambitious conservation goals for the Great Barrier Reef.

The reef could be marked as ‘in danger’ in 2026, and Australia has been asked to submit a progress report by February 2025.

“The Great Barrier Reef is part our national heritage. We have a duty to safeguard it, to care for it, and to pass it on, so our kids and grandkids can enjoy it like we do,” Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek said. “Labor understands this responsibility. And we also know the world is watching us.”

4. Apple found breaching EU competition rules

Per CNN, European Union regulators have accused Apple of breaking competition rules under the Digital Markets Act, with the Cupertino company set to potentially face a fine of up to 10 per cent of its annual revenue. Apple is accused of breaking rules by preventing app developers on its platforms from directing users to cheaper services.

5. BBL Drizzy?

The Verge reports that the Recording Industry Association of America, along with associated labels, have sued AI music company Suno, and Udio, the company behind the song ‘BBL Drizzy’. The plaintiffs alleged that the companies are violating copyright ‘en masse’, without consent granted from artists. “These are straightforward cases of copyright infringement involving unlicensed copying of sound recordings on a massive scale. Suno and Udio are attempting to hide the full scope of their infringement rather than putting their services on a sound and lawful footing,” RIAA chief legal officer Ken Doroshow said.

BONUS ITEM: But does he have the other four cards?

Have a lovely day.

Image: Telstra Ventures/iStock

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