Adam Clark Estes

  • Spotify Is The Best Streaming Music Service

    Spotify Is The Best Streaming Music Service

    There, I said it. As countless Rdio fans sit back helplessly as their accounts go dark, it’s time to be blunt. Spotify continues to outpace its growing army of competitors, and if you’re going to spend money on a streaming music service, you should sign up for Spotify Premium. Or save a few bucks and…

  • Anonymous Is Really Screwing Up Its War On ISIS

    Anonymous Is Really Screwing Up Its War On ISIS

    This should not come as a surprise, but Anonymous is probable not going rid the world of terror with its myriad “ops.” In fact, the latest reports indicate that the leaderless pack of hacktivists is not only incapable of disrupting ISIS, it seems like Anonymous is totally f**king this one up.