Adrian Chen

  • Mark Zuckerberg Kicked Off Facebook

    It’s safe to say Indianapolis bankruptcy lawyer Mark S. Zuckerberg is the second-most famous person named Mark Zuckerberg in the entire world. That didn’t keep Facebook from deleting his account because the social network thought he was impersonating the other Mark Zuckerberg.

  • Get Divorced In Three Simple Text Messages

    Something like half of all marriages end in divorce in the US. But imagine if we had the kind of system they’ve got in Tajikistan: There, husbands can divorce their wives by simply sending them a text message that says “Taloq taloq taloq” (Divorce divorce divorce).

  • Scientists Grow An Eye In A Petri Dish

    A Japanese research team has successfully grown a “rudimentary” mouse eye in a petri dish using stem cells. This has many implications for future research and curing blindness. Above is a time-lapse video of the stem sells spontaneously organising into an “optic cup”—the precursor to an eye. Now they need to grow a little pair…