Alex Cranz

Senior Consumer Tech Editor. Trained her dog to do fist bumps. Once wrote for Lifetime. Tips encouraged via Secure Drop, Proton Mail, or DM for Signal.
  • Oh God, Not Spectacles 2.0

    Oh God, Not Spectacles 2.0

    Despite a big splash that had at least one arsehole waiting in line for five hours just for the opportunity to buy a pair, the original Snap Spectacles were a flop. Snap sold only about 150,000 pairs and was forced to write off $US40 ($52) million dollars in costs “related to Spectacles inventory”.

  • Poop Is A Really Popular Kids Toy This Year

    Poop Is A Really Popular Kids Toy This Year

    Poop should not be a trend. Nevertheless turd toys were everywhere at Toy Fair this year. But it wasn’t all faecal fare. Boogers, farts, and pimples were all the subject of toys appropriate for kids too. As toymakers can’t seem to stop pushing the limits, we set to find the grossest toys we could.

  • Apple Sells iPhones?

    Apple Sells iPhones?

    Apple, a company best known for its affiliation with U2 and James Corden, had a big announcement today. It’s earnings week, when giant multibillion dollar companies announce how many millions they made during the holiday season. Apple, which sells watches, set-top boxes, and, soon, speakers, revealed that it made a shit ton of money selling…telephones?