Alex Cranz

Senior Consumer Tech Editor. Trained her dog to do fist bumps. Once wrote for Lifetime. Tips encouraged via Secure Drop, Proton Mail, or DM for Signal.
  • Sony, Please Let Me Play With This Good Boy

    Sony, Please Let Me Play With This Good Boy

    First Sony killed Aibo, the little dumb robot dog. Then, like a phoenix, Aibo rose from the ashes, new and improved, with LED eyes and a soft little back. This good boy, who went on pre-order in Japan last year for 198,000 Yen, will go on sale on Thursday, January 11. In Japan. Which is…

  • Intel And AMD Join Forces On Tiny New Chip

    Intel And AMD Join Forces On Tiny New Chip

    Intel and AMD might be fierce competitors for decades, but that hasn’t stopped the two chip makers from teaming up to create a new mobile CPU with souped up integrated GPU that will soon be found in gaming and professional laptops from many major computer makers. We’ve known about this plan since November, but now…

  • Wait, The iMac Pro Might Actually Be User-Upgradeable

    Wait, The iMac Pro Might Actually Be User-Upgradeable

    iFixit has finished its teardown of Apple’s new, high-priced iMac Pro, and while most of the results are typical for an Apple device, because the company rarely meets a component it can’t solder to the motherboard, there are three noteworthy exceptions. The CPU, RAM, and SSD all appear to be user replaceable, provided you’re ready…