Alex Cranz

Senior Consumer Tech Editor. Trained her dog to do fist bumps. Once wrote for Lifetime. Tips encouraged via Secure Drop, Proton Mail, or DM for Signal.
  • Watch Doctor Who Finally Become A Woman

    Watch Doctor Who Finally Become A Woman

    After more than 50 years, two separate TV series, countless showrunners, hundreds of radio dramas, and more than a dozens of men in the leading role, Doctor Who has finally a brought a woman in the title role – and you can watch her regeneration, seen in yesterday’s Doctor Who: Day of the Doctor Christmas…

  • We Need To Talk About Magic Leap’s Freaking Goggles

    We Need To Talk About Magic Leap’s Freaking Goggles

    Magic Leap finally did it. After $US2 billion in funding and a few years of leaks, teases, and hints, Magic Leap finally has an actual product that someone has actually touched with their actual hands. Magic Leap announced the Magic Leap One Creator Edition as we all got to our desks this morning, and Rolling…