
Angus Kidman | Lifehacker Editor Angus has been writing professionally about technology since 1994 and breaking it for even longer. He is based in Sydney but spends a frankly unhealthy portion of his life on the road, tracking down the latest stories. In 2011, he won the IT Journo Award For Best Consumer Technology Journalist and Consensus IT Writers Award for Best Technical Writer for his work on Lifehacker; about time too.
  • Tony Abbott Wants To Cancel The 2016 Census

    Australia’s next census in 2016 was supposed to be the first to be conducted entirely electronically. Now there are rumblings that the Abbott Federal government wants to cancel it altogether. Who needs all that inconvenient data getting in the way of your decisions?

  • All The Reasons The NBN Might Be Late (Again)

    The list of new places that will gain access to the National Broadband Network (NBN) over the next 18 months that was released this week makes interesting reading. One of the most interesting aspects? All the reasons why the revised deadlines might not be met.