Annalee Newitz

Annalee was the founding editor of io9. Their latest books are Four Lost Cities: A Secret History of the Urban Age and The Future of Another Timeline.

  • Yes, We Are In The Early Stages Of A Mass Extinction

    Yes, We Are In The Early Stages Of A Mass Extinction

    A new study suggests that thousands of species on Earth are dying out at a rate that far exceeds normal extinction rates. We are in the beginnings of a mass extinction, argue scientists, and it could lead to global starvation for humans — as well as many other animals.

  • Interplanetary Spacecraft, Ranked

    Interplanetary Spacecraft, Ranked

    We may be dirty monkeys at heart, but humans have done some pretty astonishing things in outer space over the past 50 years. We’ve launched dozens of interplanetary spacecraft, and explored most of the solar system with space robots who sent back pictures and scientific data. Here are our favourite of those craft, ranked for…