Elly Hart

  • Breakfast Wrap: Friday Night’s Top Stories

    The World’s Biggest Global Warming Offenders, Visualised Wow, Germany. That’s impressive. Fascinating Murals Show The Funky Anatomy Of Animals I wouldn’t mind one of these as a printable poster. How The Heck Can This Picture Be A Real Photo Without Any Photoshop? The setup will surprise you. Woman Ticketed For Wearing Google Glass While Driving…

  • Breakfast Wrap: Tuesday Night’s Top Stories

    Winamp’s Not Dead After All! An interface redesign had better be top of the priority list. Sony’s Xperia T2 Ultra: 2014′s First Gigantaphone It’s all about the six inches and selfies. These Spherical Robot ‘Hands’ Let You Build Things With Balls And open things! And change hot lightbulbs! Deep-Sea Squid Killing A Fish Recorded For…

  • Breakfast Wrap: Friday Night’s Top Stories

    Google’s Making It Easy For Strangers To Send You Email Oh no. I don’t even want emails from people I know. China’s Smog Is So Bad That Hotels Now Give Guests Gas Masks What makes you so sure they’re not going to gas you. Scientists Believe Soap Bubbles Can Predict Typhoons And Hurricanes Don’t panic…