Gizmodo International

Tech and science tips, reviews, news and more direct from our Gizmodo partner in the US.
  • US Judge Orders Apple To Help FBI Hack An iPhone

    US Judge Orders Apple To Help FBI Hack An iPhone

    The problem of law enforcement and encryption is mostly talked about in vague terms of “backdoors” and “a new Manhattan Project”, but here’s something concrete: a US District Court Judge just ordered Apple to help the FBI access files on one of the iPhones of the San Bernardino shooters.

  • ‘Chopsticks Of Light’ Reveal What Makes Spider Silk So Stretchy

    ‘Chopsticks Of Light’ Reveal What Makes Spider Silk So Stretchy

    Spider silk is nature’s Kevlar. It’s stronger than steel, it’s waterproof, and you can stretch it as much as 30 to 40 per cent before it snaps. Now biophysicists at Johns Hopkins University think they know the secret to spider silk’s remarkable elasticity: protein threads that serve as stretchy “superstrings”. The researchers describe their work…