Gizmodo International

Tech and science tips, reviews, news and more direct from our Gizmodo partner in the US.
  • How Pixar Copies Scenes From Other Movies

    How Pixar Copies Scenes From Other Movies

    Video: Pixar movies are great because of their characters and their storylines but also because they pay homage to the great movies that came before them. And they’re not even imitating animation movies – they pay tribute to live action films. Many of the scenes you may recognise immediately (like when you’re watching Toy Story…

  • How Much Power Does It Take To Actually Blow Up A Planet?

    How Much Power Does It Take To Actually Blow Up A Planet?

    Video: Like, a lot of power. Scott Manley delves into the science of the planet destroying business and came up with the numbers that it would take to destroy a planet in Star Wars. To destroy an Earth-like planet which was like Alderaan, you’d need three trillion trillion trillion Joules of energy. There are five…