
  • Friday’s Must-Read Stories

    Every evening, we wrap up the day’s must-read stories in one place for you to easily check out. If you’ve been off the grid all day, jump in here and catch up on current events. How To Spot A Pokemon Go Player, In Five Easy Steps Pokemon Go has the potential to bring Poke-nerds from…

  • Giz Gadgets: Sometimes Good Things Come Of Kickstarter Too

    Giz Gadgets: Sometimes Good Things Come Of Kickstarter Too

    Each new week brings with it an abundance of new gadgets — whether devised by tech giants like Google and Samsung or pushed by hopeful entrepreneurs to Kickstarter, they run the gamut from useful to niche to tech that nobody really needs. This week we’re looking at some great projects that have come out of…

  • Monday’s Must-Read Stories

    Every evening, we wrap up the day’s must-read stories in one place for you to easily check out. If you’ve been off the grid all day, jump in here and catch up on current events. Melbourne Headphone Inventors Just Broke The Australian Kickstarter Record There’s no real way to discuss this without spoilers, so let…