Libby Watson

Splinter politics writer.
  • US FCC Chair Announces Plan To Destroy Net Neutrality

    US FCC Chair Announces Plan To Destroy Net Neutrality

    The agonising wait is finally over. Today, United States FCC Chairman Ajit Pai announced his plan to dismantle net neutrality. During a speech in Washington, DC at the conservative nonprofit Freedomworks, Pai outlined his plan to roll back the 2015 Open Internet Order. The order established the principles of the open internet in US law,…

  • YouTube Makes 12 Million Videos Accessible In Restricted Mode

    YouTube Makes 12 Million Videos Accessible In Restricted Mode

    In March, LGBT YouTube creators criticised Google for hiding some of their videos in “Restricted Mode”, which filters potentially “mature” content. After initially downplaying the extent of the problem, Google issued a non-apology, then a slightly more apologetic non-apology, and finally posted a fuller actual apology on its blog. In that post, Google acknowledged “this…

  • Juicero CEO Begs You: Do NOT Open Our Juice Bags [Updated]

    Juicero CEO Begs You: Do NOT Open Our Juice Bags [Updated]

    This week saw the latest chapter in the utterly wonderful saga of Juicero, the $US400 ($532) juice machine maker that attracted $US120 million ($160 million) in venture capital funding. On Wednesday, a bombshell Bloomberg report exposed the secret that threatened to ruin the company: You can get almost exactly the same juice without the company’s…