Pranay Parab

  • iMessage Has a Hidden Bookmarking Feature

    iMessage Has a Hidden Bookmarking Feature

    When you think about iMessage, it’s easy to focus on all the cool full-screen effects, emoji reactions—and even the hidden flight tracker. One thing no one thinks about, however, is bookmarking. It turns out that iMessage has a hidden bookmarking feature that makes it easier to keep track of links people share with you. I…

  • The Best Waze Settings Everyone Should Be Using

    The Best Waze Settings Everyone Should Be Using

    If you want to get where you’re going, you probably use Google Maps. If you want to get where you’re going as fast as humanly possible, you use Waze. The app will take you on twists and turns, haphazardly hopping on and off highways, just to shred five minutes from your commute, and we love…