The Latest Camera News: For Photography Experts And Amateurs

Just because we can take photos with our phones doesn’t mean it’s time to pack up our cameras. Here is where photography nerds can read reviews and news from Sony, Canon, Nikon, Panasonic and more. You’ll also find tips and tricks from experts to help perfect your shots.

  • This Month In Dashcams: Don’t Crash Into A Police Car

    You’ve heard about how dangerous Australia’s wildlife is, but nobody talks about the deadliness of our roads. Here’s a compilation of new dashcam footage that shows rampaging trucks, a guy colliding with a police car, and what happens when you’re in close proximity to exploding power lines.

  • The Ricoh GR II Adds Wi-Fi To A Cult Classic

    The Ricoh GR was a fantastically simple compact camera — one big APS-C sensor crammed into a portable body, with a good prime lens, decent controls, and not much else in the way. Two years after the original release, Ricoh has released the GR II. What’s broke ain’t fixed — the only major addition is…