
  • Why Drums Only Sound As Good As The Room They’re In

    Why Drums Only Sound As Good As The Room They’re In

    I’ve spent a fair bit of time in the company of drummers, and every last one has been a little bit weird. That level of independent limb coordination must do something to your neural circuitry. Some of them hide their strangeness… unless they get to talking about “room tone”. Then they start describing sounds as…

  • Why Elk Bugles Sound Like Ringwraith Shrieks  

    Why Elk Bugles Sound Like Ringwraith Shrieks  

    Majestic North American elk are known for producing high-pitched, screeching calls that carry for kilometres, particularly during breeding season. Known as “bugling”, it sounds for all the world like the piercing shrieks of the Ringwraiths from Lord of the Rings. This has puzzled scientists, because the pitch of an animal’s call in the wild usually…

  • This Is What Millions Of Hungry Jellyfish Sound Like

    This Is What Millions Of Hungry Jellyfish Sound Like

    Every day, troves of hungry marine organisms — shrimp, jellyfish, squid and bony fish — migrate from the ocean’s murky depths to the surface. For the first time, marine biologists have captured the sound of their collective lunch outing. May it be the sonic backdrop to all of your future, jellyfish-induced nightmares.