Keep Scrolling: Social Media Detox May Not Improve Mental Health
Social media might be addictive, but it turns out quitting is complicated. A study out Wednesday from the UK’s Durham University asked 51 moderate to heavy social media users to stay off the apps for one week. Participants had a decrease in negative emotions and feelings including boredom, but they reported a drop in positive…
How Harmful Is a Social Media Addiction?
If you spend hours of the day on your phone checking social media, you’re not unusual. But you could have a social media addiction.
Google Will Let You Limit the Alcohol and Gambling Ads You See
It’s not very often that Google shows care for anything besides its bottom line these days, but on Thursday, the company made a small step in the right direction by announcing a new setting that lets people limit the alcohol- and gambling-related ads they come across.
Why Is Social Media So Addictive?
Social media is awful and whatever pleasures it confers in the form of mildly amusing memes or a fleeting sense of community/belonging are massively outweighed by its well-documented downsides whose psychic consequences are of interest to its owners only in the sense that past a certain threshold people might turn away from their platforms and…