
  • 5 Ways to Use Tech to Improve Your Wake-Up Routine

    5 Ways to Use Tech to Improve Your Wake-Up Routine

    For many of us, getting up can be a chore most mornings, as a peaceful slumber or a serene dream is interrupted by the shrill chimes of a smartphone alarm. It’s all too easy to keep hitting that snooze button until the last possible momentto stay where it’s comfortable and warm and avoid the responsibilities…

  • Shaming Soap Alarm Won’t Turn Off Until You Wash Your Hands

    Shaming Soap Alarm Won’t Turn Off Until You Wash Your Hands

    If you’re someone who regularly washes your hands after going to the bathroom, statistics say that at least one of the people sitting on either side of you does not. And since personal hygiene clearly isn’t motivation enough for these bathroom bandits, Safeguard is resorting to good, old-fashioned public shaming to get the job done.