
  • Edible Gel Promises Hangover-Free Mornings

    Edible Gel Promises Hangover-Free Mornings

    Just how far would you be willing to go to avoid the dreaded hangover? Are you hungover right now reading this? Researchers in Switzerland have developed an oral gel meant to prevent booze from breaking down into the toxic compounds most responsible for a hangover. In mice, it appeared to work as intended. The gel…

  • Drunk Mice Avoided Hangovers Thanks to a Probiotic

    Drunk Mice Avoided Hangovers Thanks to a Probiotic

    The hangover cure of the future just might be a chuggable probiotic. In research out this week, scientists in China detail the creation of bacteria that can produce an enzyme meant to help the body break down alcohol faster. Alcohol-fed mice that were given the probiotic beforehand experienced less drunkenness and recovered more quickly, the…

  • Alcohol Kills 1 in 8 Americans Under 65, CDC Finds

    Alcohol Kills 1 in 8 Americans Under 65, CDC Finds

    America’s alcohol habit comes with a hefty annual death toll, new research shows. The study estimates that excess drinking is responsible for one of every eight deaths in Americans between the ages of 20 to 64 every year. And though younger people are less likely to die in general, alcohol might help cause one in…

  • Even Moderate Drinking Might Shrink Your Brain, Study Finds

    Even Moderate Drinking Might Shrink Your Brain, Study Finds

    New research is the latest to suggest that moderate drinking can negatively impact health. The study found a link between regular alcohol consumption — as little as one to two drinks a day — and decreased brain volume in middle-aged and older people. The brain shrinkage was greater the more someone drank, the study found.