
  • This Tiny Star Is Now The Best Place To Hunt For Alien Life

    This Tiny Star Is Now The Best Place To Hunt For Alien Life

    In a few years, powerful new telescopes will usher in a search for habitable worlds outside our solar system. And TRAPPIST-1 — a dim, tepid star just a smidge larger than Jupiter — is one of the first places we’ll look. It’s only 40 light years away, and it’s home to several promising, Earth-sized exoplanets.

  • A New Scientific Model That Defines Alien Intelligence

    A New Scientific Model That Defines Alien Intelligence

    Should we ever detect an extraterrestrial civilisation, or any kind of alien life for that matter, it’s a safe bet they will look very different from us. They will also probably think in a way that’s completely foreign to what we’re used to. Here’s how experts believe we might be able to predict what the…