
  • Map Shows Where UFO Sightings Are Seen The Most In The USA

    Map Shows Where UFO Sightings Are Seen The Most In The USA

    Here’s a really fun map that plots out where UFO sightings are seen the most across the US of A. Made by John Nelson of IDV Solutions, it shows where sightings are seen the most in relation to the area’s population, compares the popularity of different types of shapes of UFO across the years (1970’s…

  • It’s Time To Go Alien Hunting On Titan

    It’s Time To Go Alien Hunting On Titan

    Move over Europa, there’s another moon out to claim the title of first place we’ll discover extraterrestrial life. New research from Cornell University finds that alien microbes could, just maybe, eek it out on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. But these critters wouldn’t be like anything we’ve ever seen before — not even close.

  • All The Stuff We Never Actually Found On Mars

    All The Stuff We Never Actually Found On Mars

    For as long as we’ve been snapping pics on the surface of Mars, we’ve been claiming to see anything and everything in its dusty, red terrain. Look at that blur; is that the silhouette of a lady Martian? A rogue military helmet from World War I? An actual human finger? Nope! It’s a rock. It’s…