
  • How Would Alien Astronomers Find Earth?

    How Would Alien Astronomers Find Earth?

    This weekend, astronomers announced the discovery of the most Earth-like planet anyone has identified yet. The search of habitable planets is intensifying — and, with it, questions about whether we’re looking for the exoplanets the right way. For starters, figuring out how Earth would look to aliens is actually pretty useful.

  • Zigzagging Light Of Unknown Origin Spotted In Hawaii

    Zigzagging Light Of Unknown Origin Spotted In Hawaii

    There’s nothing more befuddling than looking up at the sky and seeing a strange light appear out of nowhere. Your adult brain tells you it can’t be what you want it to be, but when you check with adult-brained officials, they’re clueless too. That’s what just happened in Hawaii. A mysterious zigzagging light popped up…