
  • A Man Grew a Tooth in His Nose

    A Man Grew a Tooth in His Nose

    A man’s years of trouble breathing through his nose turned out to have a much stranger explanation than anyone could have imagined. His doctors, in a paper out this week, describe finding a tooth poking through his nasal cavity. Thankfully, the wayward chomper was removed with no complications, and the man’s stuffy symptoms went away.

  • This DIY Wireless Ball Cap Lets You Control Death Itself

    This DIY Wireless Ball Cap Lets You Control Death Itself

    When it comes to facing your own mortality, there are few things better than a grinning skull with creepy eyeballs. And when it comes to really freaking you out, the only way to make a grinning skull worse is to connect it to a computer and make it jerk around and gape like some degloved…