
  • Super Gonorrhea May Have Met Its Nemesis

    Super Gonorrhea May Have Met Its Nemesis

    Scientists seem to have found a kink in the armour of super gonorrhea. In a large-scale clinical trial reported this month, the experimental drug zoliflodacin was found to be just as effective as other frontline antibiotics at treating the stubborn bacterial infection. The results will pave the way for zoliflodacin to become a crucial tool…

  • UK Man Gets Gnarly, Newly Discovered Infection From Stray Cat Bite

    UK Man Gets Gnarly, Newly Discovered Infection From Stray Cat Bite

    A man in the UK has become a medical first, though not in a great way. In a recent paper, scientists say he’s the first known person to have caught a newly discovered bacteria from a stray cat’s bite. Though the feline encounter resulted in a gnarly infection of his hands, the man was eventually…