Facebook’s New Anti-Vaxx ‘Ban’ Has an Ad-Sized Loophole
As folks in the U.S. start to meander into flu season, Facebook decided that now’s the time to formally issue a “ban” on ads that discourage its users from getting vaccinated.
New U.S. Poll About Vaccines Is A Huge Bummer
Many Americans have lost faith in the importance of vaccines over the past two decades, while more than half are unsure or wrongly believe that they can cause autism. At least, those are the somber conclusions of a new Gallup poll released Tuesday. Even worse is that parents of children under 18 have grown more…
Public Health Experts Call For Aggressive, Global Push Against Antivaxxers
Public health experts are fed up with the anti-vaccination movement, which is most recently behind a surge of the completely preventable disease measles in the U.S. this year. So much so that a group of them has decided to issue a statement calling for institutions around the world – from search engines and social media…
This Dummy Got Chickenpox
See this dummy? Imagine him covered in scabby blisters. That’s probably what he looked like the last few days, as he was recently infected with chickenpox. He got the infection because he refused to get the chickenpox vaccinations. That’s particularly poetic because when the local health department banned him from attending school because he was…