This Cozy Cabin of a Tiny House Used to Be a Box Truck
While searching for dope car finds I came across a creation that made me drop my jaw and rub my eyes. Once I confirmed that my vision was indeed functional, I clicked on the ad and flipped through the pictures. This 1999 Ford E-450 for sale started life as a box truck, but now it’s…
Archaeologists Unearth a Fanciful Ancient Winery Near Rome
Archaeologists have discovered the remains of an 1,800-year-old winery at the Villa of the Quintilii outside of Rome. By the team’s measure, the winery was designed as much for the spectacle of wine-making as the practice itself.
You’ll Never Escape Your Cubicle Now That The Walls Can Follow You
A glimpse of a terrible but very probable future office.
Cover Your Wall in MIT’s New Paper Thin Speakers to Turn Your Bedroom Into a Noise Cancelling Oasis
You might be resigned to wearing a pair of headphones all day to block out the sounds of noisy neighbours or other distractions, but researchers at MIT have developed a paper-thin speaker that can be applied to almost any surface like wallpaper, turning objects like walls into giant noise-cancelling speakers.