Honda’s New Autonomous Work Vehicle Has 25-Percent Better Battery Life, 100-Percent Cuter Face
This little guy can carry 2,000 pounds! He also might take your job one day.
Pour One Out for ASIMO as Honda Retires Its Sweet Boy
Twenty-two years ago, Honda brought a new joy into this world. He stood just under four feet tall, barely bigger than a then-four-year-old Steve. His name was ASIMO, and from the moment I first saw him in Popular Science magazine, he was my friend. A kindred spirit, a kind fellow.
RIP Asimo, You Useless Robotic Honda Ad
Photo: Getty Honda just announced that it will cease development of Asimo, the super cute humanoid that tours the world in the name of stunt marketing. Asimo was 18 years old. Asimo, once heralded as the future of robotics, was not even old enough to buy a beer. But it was always happy to help…
New And Improved Honda Asimo Pretends To Be A Bartender
Honda Asimo, the frighteningly realistic yet increasingly useless humanoid robot, has learned another new trick! It can pour drinks. Watch Asimo roll out a cart, open up a thermos, grab the cup, tilt the cup, pour, finish the pour and hand it off to a pretty lady.