
  • The Horrifying Way You Might Escape A Black Hole

    The Horrifying Way You Might Escape A Black Hole

    Black holes: Crushing vortexes of darkness that promise to shred each and every atom in your body to oblivion, right? Maybe not. New theoretical work by researchers at the Institute of Corpuscular Physics hints that it might be possible to escape the journey into a black hole with all of your cells intact. The bad…

  • Ancient Cosmic Explosions May Have Impacted Evolution

    Ancient Cosmic Explosions May Have Impacted Evolution

    Millions of years ago, a pair of exploding stars showered our planet with radioactive fallout. Had those supernovae popped off a bit closer to home, Earth’s biosphere would have been toast. But even at a distance of 300 light years, the stellar events might have had an impact on the evolution of life here.