
  • Behold The Mysterious Beauty Of A Black Hole Collision

    Behold The Mysterious Beauty Of A Black Hole Collision

    Toss a pebble in a pond and watch the tiny ripples radiate outwards. The waves you’ve created bear striking resemblance to another phenomenon, one taking place trillions of miles away at the center of a distant galaxy. The difference is, when two black holes collide, their impact surges across the fabric of spacetime itself.

  • This Is The Oldest Galaxy We’ve Found So Far

    This Is The Oldest Galaxy We’ve Found So Far

    Astrophysicists at Caltech say they have detected the oldest, most distant galaxy known so far. It’s 13.2 billion years old — just over half a billion years younger than the universe itself — and the discovery may change what astrophysicists know about the early history of the universe.

  • Scientists Confirm The Existence Of Cosmic Neutrinos

    Scientists Confirm The Existence Of Cosmic Neutrinos

    A team of Antarctic scientists has just verified the existence of cosmic neutrinos — tiny, energetic particles that might hail from far reaches of the Milky Way and beyond. And these ghostly little flecks of matter could hold the key to some of the deepest mysteries of the cosmos.