
  • This Is How Little Tax Tech Companies Pay In Australia

    This Is How Little Tax Tech Companies Pay In Australia

    Some of the biggest tech companies in the world have been known to shift profits around to minimise the amount of tax paid. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) just released a report for the 2017/8 financial year, and while most companies appeared to be paying the full corporate tax rate, others paid a lot less.…

  • The Untold Story Of Australia’s Most Successful Start-Up

    You’ve read loads of puff pieces about the golden child of the Australian start-up scene, Atlassian. This isn’t one of those. Liz Tay over at our sister-site, Business Insider Australia has written the untold story of Atlassian as it gears up to move its operations to the UK. It’s gearing up for a billion-dollar IPO,…