australia tax

  • Watch: Gizmodo On ABC To Discuss IT Pricing

    As you’d expect, Giz has been closely following the parliamentary inquiry into the so-called “Australia tax”. We’ve chatted with Ed Husic, looked over the submissions, and lamented Apple’s closed-door briefing in Canberra. Yesterday, as companies began explaining why Aussies pay more for tech and games, Gizmodo’s own Luke Hopewell helped break down the issue for…

  • The IT Pricing Inquiry Closes Today

    Do you hate the Australia Tax? Want the government to do something about high technology prices? If you answered yes to any of that, time is running out to get your complaints in to the IT pricing inquiry set up by the Federal Government. Submissions close today.

  • Aussies Are Paying Too Much For Tech

    Shock News! OK, not really. It’s a bit of a tired cliché to decry that we’re paying too much for our gadgets at retail (even though many of us are buying online anyway), but it looks as though something might actually be happening about it. Albeit only maybe, and only slowly.