automotive accessories

  • Why Your Car’s Key Fob Is So Hackable

    Why Your Car’s Key Fob Is So Hackable

    They’re small, they’re convenient, and, according to security researchers, they’re extremely hackable. The car key fob doesn’t exactly have the greatest reputation when it comes to digital security. Over the past few years, law enforcement agencies have alleged an uptick in the number of car thefts tied to hacking schemes and, more often than not,…

  • You Can (Mostly) 3D Print Car Wheels Now

    You Can (Mostly) 3D Print Car Wheels Now

    If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve likely seen a lot of 3D printing content on your timeline recently. But while I’ve been futzing around with tiny purple cars, it seems that people who know what they’re doing have been working on much more exciting projects — like printing complete, full-size, (mostly) functional car wheels.