
  • The Rockets Of The World In One Cool Graphic

    The Rockets Of The World In One Cool Graphic

    Briefly: I’m a sucker for rockets and technical illustrations, which is why I love this poster of rockets of the world drawn to scale by Tyler Skrabek, a clean, updated version of a 1995 classic by professor Peter Alway, published in the book Rockets of the World.

  • Insane Backflip Of A Racing Hydroplane Boat Captured On GoPro

    Insane Backflip Of A Racing Hydroplane Boat Captured On GoPro

    Video: Another proof that H1 Unlimited Hydroplane boat racing is insanely dangerous — one wave, one mistake, and you will be launched into the sky with enormous violence. Fortunately, most often nobody dies — although it has happened before. This video of a backflip with multiple loops is spectacular.