
  • White-Chocolate Baby Heads: The Cure For Chocaholics

    White-Chocolate Baby Heads: The Cure For Chocaholics

    Got a sweet tooth that has led to you packing on the kilos? Until now there was no cure for that inexplicable chocolate craving a lot of us get. But after seeing these horrific life-size baby heads hand-crafted from white chocolate, there’s a good chance you’ll never want to touch the stuff again.

  • Here’s One Way To Expose Your Kids To Good Design Early

    Here’s One Way To Expose Your Kids To Good Design Early

    Some parents worry that their kids will turn to a life of crime. Some worry that their children will forsake an education. But not you. You’re more stressed about the kiddehs growing up without a sense of style. Well, OK! You can assuage your misplaced fears with this beautiful baby lounger that exposes them to…