bad ideas
Oh Great, Telegram’s Getting Ads
Telegram, the encrypted messaging app and longtime drug-dealer haven, is planning to monetise in 2021, founder Pavel Durov said on Wednesday.
U.S. Senators Held a Bizarre Hearing About How to Solve Climate Change With More Fossil Fuels
The U.S. Senate Energy Committee held a hearing on Tuesday that was ostensibly about lowering carbon emissions to curb climate change. But they didn’t say much about reducing the amount of carbon spewed into the atmosphere. In fact, some witnesses called for more fossil fuel infrastructure. The hearing, led by committee chair Republican Sen. Lisa…
Big Banks’ Latest Plan To Kill The Climate Is Taking Over Failing Oil And Gas Companies
Before the coronavirus, the American oil and gas industry was struggling to keep its profits up. The pandemic exacerbated that, and now it’s doing way, way worse. Companies heavily dependent on fracking in Texas and Wyoming could go belly up.
The World Blows Over $5 Trillion A Year On Oil And Gas Subsidies: Report
The world subsidized its own demise to the tune of $7 trillion in 2017.