An Actual Blacksmith Explains Why You Should Strike While The Iron Is Hot
Video: You have to strike while the iron is hot. You can’t have too many irons in the fire. It has a nice ring to it. Go at something hammer and tongs. These are all idioms that have origins in blacksmithing, so Scott Wadsworth of Essential Craftsman decided to literally show us what all those…
Let Your Brain Take A Nap While This Guy Builds A Kickass Japanese Utility Knife
Video: What a day it has been. Time to go into an elective waking coma while this guy makes a crazy-looking knife with skill and precision.
Building The Sword Of Artorias Is No Small Task For Man At Arms
We’ve really appreciated the level of detail that the guys behind
Making A Super-Sharp Knife From An Old Spanner
One of my favourite things in the world is to watch blacksmiths take old tools and repurpose them into beautiful knives. This particular work from Trollskyy is especially cool because the blade just bleeds into the spanner.