
  • To Turn Dumb Warheads Into Smart Missiles, Just Add Lasers

    70mm Hydra rockets have been a mainstay of the US military since the 1940s. They’re less expensive and cause less collateral damage than, say, a Hellfire-sized ordnance. Problem is — they don’t steer well, or rather, at all. A new laser-guidance upgrade from BAE Systems, however, is poised to make the Hydra-70 much agile and…

  • The Hardest Part Of Making A Nuclear Bomb

    Nuclear bombs are easy to make, right? Find some uranium, shove in some explosives and — BOOM! — you’re quite literally done. Um, sorry, nope. The big problem in making a nuclear bomb is that you need enriched uranium, and that’s actually a real pain in the arse to make.