
  • Tesla Reportedly to Begin Hiring Freeze and Planned Layoffs

    Tesla Reportedly to Begin Hiring Freeze and Planned Layoffs

    It’s not just your Twitter feed that’s suffering at the hands of Elon Musk. At least one of the billionaire’s other companies doesn’t seem to be doing so hot either. Tesla has entered a new hiring freeze, and plans to lay off an unspecified number of staff early in the coming year, according to a…

  • Musk’s Twitter Shenanigans Have Tanked Tesla’s Reputation

    Musk’s Twitter Shenanigans Have Tanked Tesla’s Reputation

    We’ve been pointing out for years that Elon Musk sucks. The Boring Company sucks. Full Self-Driving sucks. And he also generally sucks as a person. But for years, his cool electric cars and shiny rockets bolstered his popular image. At least, they did until he bought Twitter and made it clear to the world how…