
  • We Need Ground Rules On How To Keep Our Brain Data Private

    We Need Ground Rules On How To Keep Our Brain Data Private

    There’s still no technology in the world that lets you listen in on someone’s thoughts. But fMRI advances are making it easier than ever to measure, interpret, and even reconstruct brain activity, and a growing market of wearables with electroencephalographic (EEG) components and brain-computer interfaces means that there are more ways to map our brainwaves…

  • Why Is It That Zombies Eat Brains?

    Why Is It That Zombies Eat Brains?

    Zombies have been a pop culture staple for decades, and in that time the concept of the dead coming back to life somehow to feast on the living has proliferated virtually every form of media that exists. One trait that is seemingly synonymous with zombies is their apparent need to feed on the brains of…